Culture code
Rohlik people are passionate about helping our customers live healthier and happier lives. We live our European mission - Eat Well, Live Well - through offering a broad selection of awesome food to customers via a technologically advanced delivery service coupled with excellent customer service that truly makes their lives easier.

Our mission

Our mission is to help Europeans
Eat Better and Live Better.
We achieve this by delivering quality groceries in a fast and convenient manner with excellent customer service. We help our customers enjoy healthier and happier lives, spending more time doing what they love rather than waiting in traffic and supermarket queues.
We fully realize that changing the old habit of going to a grocery store is not an easy feat. That’s why we believe that what we build at Rohlik has to be not “just better than the traditional way” of shopping, but ten times better.
Key Rohlik Ingredients
The ingredients are integral to every aspect of our Rohlik life. They are prerequisites for our decisions to launch a new service feature for customers, to hire and to promote, to evaluate performance and much more.
- Amaze the customer
We are obsessed with customers and their wants and needs. The customer has always been at the centre of our universe. Changing the old habit of going to a grocery store is not easy. That’s why we must not just be better than the traditional way of shopping, but ten times better. Let’s remain curious and think about new ways to delight our customers, even before they ask for it. If you want to be successful at Rohlik, you will need to:
- Understand that customers come first in all our thinking. Before you consider the bottom line, consider the impact on the happiness of our customers over their lifetime with us. The bottom line will come with it.
- Dedicate time regularly to understanding your customers and their needs - make it a habit. Identify opportunities by listening to them. Best ideas come this way.
- Think hard before you call something “good enough” and take that extra step to satisfy the customer. Remember - 10x better!
- Ship MVPs fast and then improve based on real customer data. Don’t try to invent perfection in a lab. Don’t forget to communicate our efforts to customers.
- Resist the natural urge to make your life a little easier at some cost to the customer.
- Accept every customer feedback as an opportunity to improve. One complaint can help us discover a big issue.
- Move quickly
Better done than perfect is our motto, speed beats perfection almost every time. We have a big mission ahead of us and we need to move fast to succeed. We make decisions, build, improve and deliver fast but that speed should never compromise customer experience for the worse or compromise long-term goals.
- You need to work with an incomplete data set. The world is changing so fast, that you will never have “all” data to make a decision.
- Move fast, making easily reversible (two-way-door) decisions. You don’t need big committees and managerial approvals for decisions like that. You can make two-way-door decisions without a complete data set.
- Think carefully and involve others when making one-way-door decisions (i.e. decisions that could be very expensive or embarrassing to reverse), never make the decision alone.
- We will always have less resources than ideas. Always focus on the most impactful activities. Use everyone’s time and resources wisely.
- The answer to most questions can be found in not more than one effective meeting. If you are still unsure about anything, check on Tettra, involve colleagues or urgently escalate the decision to the leadership team to get guidance.
- Be ready to make bold decisions and own them. It’s not a shame to make a mistake, it’s much worse to stand in one place and not move forward.
- Keep things simple. Don’t over-engineer.
- Always challenge the status quo
We love improving. We aim to be the best - remember, 10x better and always way ahead of the market. We have accomplished a lot on this mission, but we are still at the very beginning of what is possible. There are two ways to be 10x better - innovation and continuous improvement. At Rohlik we value both.
- It’s always Day 1 of online grocery shopping. What would you do if Rohlik was only 1 day old today? What would you change?
- If your focus is continuous improvement, aim for improving KPIs in your area every month by at least 5 %. This will add up in orders of magnitude improvement over time.
- Continuous improvement needs to be as thoughtful as big innovation. It doesn’t mean pointing to things that are not perfect without thinking about data and priority.
- Have a dream. Share it with others, discuss it and pursue it. Get management buy-in. It will come true.
- Keep coming up with new ideas, it’s expected at Rohlik. Take time to discuss them before you make an idea “request”.
- Keep pushing. There could be setbacks or disagreements along the road. Never give up.
- Be ready to be challenged - every day. Great minds challenge each other to be more successful. We work together to create amazing things.
- Think big and think like an owner
We are doing something that has never been done before in the grocery business, and we’re not afraid to be the first company to try new things out. To succeed we need people with the ability to think big with really strong ownership who will see things through.
- Owners have massive ambitions and they work hard to make them happen. They don’t point out why things are hard or can’t be done. They try, they chip away at a problem. They find a way.
- Owners don’t wait for others to deliver. They are looking for a way to do things themselves first. They don’t need massive teams at the beginning. If they don’t find the way, which is unlikely, they ask for or hire help.
- Big breakthroughs don’t happen without making bold decisions and taking risks. Especially if the decision is a two-way door. Best people at Rohlik are bold risk-takers.
- We consciously find time to think about the next big thing and figure out steps that will lead us there. To find “The next big thing” you need time. Find it and think outside the box. The best people are great at creating those thinking moments.
- Build expertise & capacity for the more complex issues that business growth will bring a few years from now. Don’t just live from one day to the next.
- No task that needs to be done is beneath you regardless of where in the org-chart you are.
- Deliver results & have an impact
We focus on results, not on being busy. We always prioritise things that matter most to our customers and our business and we think clearly what an impact of each activity should be and how we measure it. There will always be more ideas than resources so we need to use them to deliver the most impactful things.
- Before doing anything, ask yourself “why do it”. What is the measure of success of any particular activity or project? Is really it important? If there are more impactful things in the pipeline, do those instead. If there aren't, do this and then measure it, learn from the results, share the results.
- Be clear in what you want to achieve, which is typically an improvement of a KPI rather than an activity. Share clearly with people you need to help you.
- Whatever your approach is, you need to deliver agreed results, as long as it doesn’t break our values. That’s the ultimate measure of living by this value.
- Our people, next to our customers, are our most precious resource. Use them wisely. The same applies to money, which quite often you may not actually need.
- Not just ticking the box, but delivery of meaningful end results. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be the first “viable” version of a future solution.
- Seeing things through to the very end in everything we do. Ensure one task is finished rather than having ten tasks up in the air.
- If you need help from others, don’t just ask once. Keep pushing. If it doesn’t work, again, and escalate to the top leadership team.
- Be curious & dive deep
Curiosity makes your mind active instead of passive. Curious people always ask questions and search for answers. By being curious you will be able to see new worlds and possibilities that are normally not visible.
- First of all, remember that we are a tech company. The answer will often lie in the data, so find it, understand the context and interpret it correctly.
- Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are skeptical when metrics and anecdotes differ.
- Apply a beginner’s mind - be open to and look for new and novel ways of doing things.
- Ask questions, listen and observe. Seek first to understand, not to explain.
- Ask others their opinions, perspectives, and their approaches to certain things. Everyone does things a bit differently, and there are potential new answers and solutions to problems hidden in other people’s thinking.
- Seek answers in our other markets as well and don’t reinvent the wheel, when someone in the group has already figured out the answer. Meet your peers regularly.
- When you do something, be curious about how it has worked and how you can improve it further. It’s never done.
- Apply the “5 whys” framework when trying to get to the root cause. Dive really deep on any issue or opportunity.
- Keep learning
We keep learning. Information is power. Change is life and opportunity. We experiment and iterate relentlessly. Some experiments fail, but they are not a waste of time, they are incredibly strong sources of learning. How to be a lifetime learner?
- Seek inspiration and opinions from people who see things differently from you. Within the company and outside it. Best decisions come from those discussions.
- You read books, you watch videos, you listen to podcasts - you learn from others.
- You often try out new tools and techniques to improve what you do.
- You learn by doing. You put conscious effort into acquiring new skills and reflect upon results.
- You make mistakes and you learn from them. You don’t make the same mistakes again and again.
- We share our mistakes openly in all staff meetings so that we all learn and create an open culture.
- You adapt - the world is changing every day and we should adapt with it - everyone at Rohlik needs to be much more than one-trick pony.
- Be radically open and transparent
We are open and honest to ourselves, to our teammates and to our customers. We are able to accept feedback, even when it’s not pleasant. Rather than agreeing with each other, we often disagree to become better. It’s not our lives that we want to make easier but our customers’.
- We share information across the company, most of the documents and data are publicly available for everyone to see. This transparency enables us to move faster.
- Keep challenging other people’s opinions until an optimal solution is found.
- Escalate to top management when you get stuck - and don’t be scared to do so. It’s expected and they will help to unblock things.
- We call a spade a spade, we never hide or sugar coat mistakes. You speak out loudly when something is not right. You keep fighting for the greater good.
- When you make mistakes, fix them or ask others to help you. Do it fast. And then learn from it. Share the learning with others.
- ”Being nice” never comes at the expense of a customer. Toughen up.
- No office politics.
- Have fun
We are fighting in a tough business environment and our competition is fierce. But we love food and we love our customers even more. Changing someone’s life for the better is a noble and optimistic mission. It is very important that you have fun doing it. Staying upbeat and positive will be much easier if:
- You keep focusing on the big picture and don’t get discouraged by setbacks.
- You show resilience when things don’t go to plan and offer support to others when they need it.
- You enjoy building Rohlik and have fun with people you work with. Check every now then that you really enjoy what you are doing. If you don’t, take a break to recharge or rethink
- You decide when you need to recharge and you take the time off you need. Remember, there are unlimited off days at Rohlik and you are the master of your calendar.
- You celebrate achievements with your team, even if it’s just a small step on a long journey. Work hard, play hard.
- Celebrate successes, even small ones. You create an atmosphere of fun and excitement around you. We are like a sports team, not a family. When a team is losing, it’s never fun. Play to win and have fun winning.
- Create a great place to work
Working with people with diverse opinions and backgrounds brings challenging debates and smart solutions. Using more brains leads to faster decision-making. We challenge each other all the time to come up with the best ideas possible. We spend a lot of time working together, so being able to enjoy each other’s company is a crucial part of happy work life. We all contribute to this:
- Hire talented people with loads of potential who will stay and shine with us for years. Surrounding yourself with great minds is a great recipe for fun and personal growth.
- Be respectful to coworkers. Respect their time, effort, and opinions. You share information early, you agree on deadlines and you stick to them.
- Feedback is direct but always constructive and respectful, never personal.
- Help and support others without being prompted
- Disagree and commit. You stick to decisions made together, often after a fierce debate, regardless of whose idea it was in the first place.
- Care about our team. Everyone in Rohlik is our team - don’t create small islands
- Over-communicate. In a fast-paced environment, every piece of information helps. You never know what might be relevant for others.
- No personal judgment in the discussion. No silos.