Cultivating a Better Future
a Better Future
Rohlik is a leading European e-grocery retailer. Already active in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Romania. The company is dynamic and growing rapidly, attaining unicorn status in 2021.
“It’s only through the efforts of the world’s entrepreneurs that we stand a chance of supporting the needs of a changing planet and its people.”

A word about
our vision
Championing a more sustainable
food chain & supporting local growers -
Doing our part to protect
the environment through innovation -
Harnessing technology to deliver great
products and amazing service -
Elevating food standards:
quality, diversity and sustainability
We are
about our customers

Fundamentally, we believe that great food and great people can make a better world.
For our part, we promise our customers "Awesome Food and Awesome Service" or, to elaborate, we promise to make great tasting, high quality food easily accessible through a modern, friendly, intuitive, time-saving service, which is truly life-changing and life-enhancing.
It’s only
the beginning
- 2014
Founding of
Groceries are being
delivered by Dáme
jídlo cars. - 2015
february 2015
Our first Rohlik
car starts up. -
may 2015
Our own warehouse
and logistics. -
July 2015
Opening of 1100 m2
warehouse in Brno. -
august 2015
We are the first 100. -
november 2015
Move to bigger warehouse
in Prague 6. -
december 2015
1 000 orders daily.
- 2016
may 2016
2 000 orders daily.
october 2016
200 own couriers.
- 2017
february 2017
Celebration of millionth order
- now 4000 orders daily. -
march 2017
Own mobile app and
commence deliveries
to other cities. -
september 2017
Turnover reaches
2 billion CZK. - 2018
January 2018
Positive EBITDA.
april 2018
Growth in Brno and
move to larger
3200 m2 warehouse. - 2019
april 2019
Launch of Rohlik Chef,
shopping via recipes. -
april 2019
9 000 orders daily.
may 2019
Customers donated almost
12 tons of groceries worth
1.3 million CZK to a food bank. -
JUNE 2019
We started OTOČ OBAL - returnable
packaging in cooperation with
selected suppliers of durable
goods, pet food and dairy. -
july 2019
Introduction of
Apple Pay. -
september 2019
Introduction of better
club for parents with
children. -
october 2019
Celebration of
a momentous birthday. -
Break through the 10 000
orders daily barrier. -
december 2019 domain launched,
first international operation
opened in Budapest. - 2020
march 2020
Support Czech gastronomy
during Covid crisis. -
march 2020
Deliver durable goods
all across the
Czech Republic. -
april 2020
Launching of our
own private brand. -
april 2020
As we increase speed,
we introduce a new service
for our customers. -
MAY 2020
Rohlik Group
established. -
june 2020
Introduce a new version
of the Rohlik Premium
loyalty club to our customers. -
october 2020
Third Czech distribution
center opened. -
november 2020
Rohlik Delikatesy launched
- freshly cut cheese
and hams. -
november 2020
Public Rohlik Points launched
- unique outdoor grocery
dispensers. -
december 2020
Expansion to Austria
as -
december 2020
Brake through another barrier
- 20 000 orders daily. - 2021
march 2021
Launch of new dairy products brand.
march 2021
Another record! More
than 600 000 orders
delivered in one month. -
march 2021
Receive 190 million EUR from
our investors for expansion
and faster development
of services and technologies. -
april 2021
Launch of MASO!, simply
the best meat from select
and only from Czech farmers. -
july 2021
Receive 100 million EUR from
our investors for expansion
and faster development
of services and technologies.
august 2021
Expansion to Germany
as -
september 2021
Launch Reusable Bags
with 80% lower
environmental impact. -
september 2021
Announce automation of
fulfilment centres,
will invest EUR 400M. -
november 2021
Announce major
expansion plan to
Romania under a new
brand – Sezamo. -
december 2021
Expansion of European
automation implementation. - 2022
february 2022 opens
second location
in Frankfurt.
march 2022
Launch of new
private label coffee
brand UBOMI.
june 2022
Receive 220M EUR from
investors to accelerate
tech innovations, fulfilment
centre automation,
electric mobility & further expansion.
september 2022
Launch of automated storage
& retrieval system in Munich,
Germany with AutoStore solution
- 2023
january 2023
Launch of our new private
label Yutto with a focus
on nuts & plant based milk
may 2023
Launch of our new private
label Kitchin with a focus
on dry food
june 2023
Implementing warehouse automation
with robotic solutions across markets
august 2023
Launch of our new private
label PAUU with a focus
on pet food
Founding of
Founding of
february 2015
Our first Rohlik car starts up.
may 2015
Our own warehouse and logistics.
July 2015
Expansion. Opening of 1100 m2 warehouse in Brno.
august 2015
Growth. We are the first 100.
november 2015
Move to bigger warehouse in Prague 6.
december 2015
1 000 orders daily.
may 2016
2 000 orders daily.
october 2016
200 own couriers.
february 2017
Celebration of millionth order - now 4000 orders daily.
march 2017
Own mobile app and commence deliveries to other cities.
september 2017
Turnover reaches 2 billion CZK.
January 2018
Positive EBITDA.
april 2018
Growth in Brno and move to larger 3200 m2 warehouse.
april 2019
Launch of Rohlik Chef, shopping via recipes.
april 2019
9 000 orders daily.
may 2019
Customers donated almost 12 tons of groceries worth 1.3 million CZK to a food bank.
JUNE 2019
We started OTOČ OBAL - returnable packaging in cooperation with selected suppliers of durable goods, pet food and dairy.
july 2019
Introduction of Apple Pay.
september 2019
Introduction of better club for parents with children.
october 2019
Celebration of a momentous birthday.
Break through the 10 000 orders daily barrier.
december 2019 domain launched, first international operation opened in Budapest.
march 2020
Support Czech gastronomy during Covid crisis.
march 2020
Deliver durable goods all across the Czech Republic.
april 2020
Launching of our own private brand.
april 2020
As we increase speed, we introduce a new service for our customers.
MAY 2020
Rohlik Group established.
june 2020
Introduce a new version of the Rohlik Premium loyalty club to our customers.
october 2020
Third Czech distribution center opened.
november 2020
Rohlik Delikatesy launched - freshly cut cheese and hams.
november 2020
Public Rohlik Points launched - unique outdoor grocery dispensers.
december 2020
Expansion to Austria as
december 2020
Brake through another barrier - 20 000 orders daily.
march 2021
Launch of new dairy products brand.
march 2021
Another record! More than 600 000 orders delivered in one month.
march 2021
Receive 190 million EUR from our investors for expansion and faster development of services and technologies.
april 2021
Launch of MASO!, simply the best meat from select breeds and only from Czech farmers.
july 2021
Receive 100 million EUR from
our investors for expansion
and faster development
of services and technologies.
Expansion to Germany as
september 2021
Launch Reusable Bags
with 80% lower
environmental impact.september 2021
Announce automation of fulfilment centres, will invest EUR 400M.
november 2021
Announce major expansion plans to Italy, Romania and Spain under one brand – Sezamo.
december 2021
Expansion of European
automation implementation.february 2022 opens
second location
in Frankfurt.
march 2022
Launch of new
private label coffee
brand UBOMI.
june 2022
Receive 220M EUR from investors to accelerate tech innovations, fulfilment centre automation, electric mobility & further expansion.
september 2022
Launch of automated storage and retrieval system in Munich, Germany with AutoStore solution
january 2023
Launch of our new private label Yutto with a focus on nuts & plant based milk
may 2023
Launch of our new private label Kitchin with a focus on dry food
june 2023
Implementing warehouse automation with robotic solutions across markets
august 2023
Launch of our new private label PAUU with a focus on pet food
september 2023
Eat well, live well
Some people you
should know
- Martin BeháňManaging Director CEE
Where you
can find us

We’re eager to partner with entrepreneurs who understand the importance of meeting the world’s demands for healthy, sustainable food.